Who am I?

Everything you know... is it useless? Thank you college.

      My name is Angel De Luna and I am a Musician and a Sound Engineer with a great passion for sound. It seems pretty obvious that as a musician, the sound world would seem like a very attractive thing for me; discovering and exploring the magic world of frequencies, this world created by the Gods and only few dare to enter.

So occult, so mystical, so mysterious.  

     I have worked as a sound guru since 2014, and I would love to share all my experiences with you. From bedroom recording to live concerts, I think I have experienced most of it; touring with a country band while being their guitarist, working as a Lead Sound Engineer/Producer Advisor for one of the biggest baptist churches in West Texas, to making records and scoring films from my bedroom with my laptop. I have learned by making mistakes, and I believe that is the best way to learn something. You just need to go and get your hands dirty.

      Experience is something a book cannot give you, so please slow your brain down, because everything you learned in college will be challenged by randomness and unexpected scenarios that your professor never talked to you about. Right out of college with my music and sound degree, I had to keep my knowledge down to the bare bones, (just the foundations) because life just happens. 

There are many different personalities and people out there. You just need to forget about logic and gear and understand people. 

     One of the hardest lessons for me to understand was that a great sound engineer is the one that knows people, art, and gear. Funny, I am making emphasis on "People". Sound Engineering is all about your people skills. It is a psychological game that you most learn to play in order to achieve a great outcome. If your guitar player is too loud, you have to understand his reasoning and explain the issues that he is causing in a gentle and very clear way. Musicians (me) are a very special type of breed, they are very sensitive to criticism and most of them lack a big picture perspective. Criticizing the wrong way will seem to them like an attack to their most inner ego. You must learn how to bridge that Gap. That is the secret to being a great engineer. 

      My goal with this vlog is to help you answer all of your sound and music questions. If you are writing and recording your first song, or you are just a musician that wants to have better communication with your sound engineer, I will do my best to bridge that gap.

Bridging the Gap...

       One of my favorite people in the world one time said, "we need to teach the creatives and technicals how to understand each other". Musicians speak of colors and shapes while Sound Engineers speak of decibels and frequencies. I will do my best to bridge that gap for you. I have been the musician and the engineer and I have witnessed how mis-communication can destroy the environment quickly.

I hope you enjoy this journey while I share my experiences.. 

Angel De Luna.


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